42 recent EnrolHQ upgrades

HG2G anyone? :) Anyway, our dev team delivers again. This time we've pumped out 42 upgrades. Some are small and some took weeks. The items below not sorted in any order. I just picked them up from the dev tickets and posted them here.

Header graphic showing feature
42 EnrolHQ upgrades June 2021

Here's a list of goodies we released recently after my 67 upgrades post which you can read here. I apologise in advance if any of these have been mentioned in my earlier post. I have tried to include only new updates in this one but some of the old dev tickets get revisited and there could be double-ups. Also, you'll notice that some of these have a "video available" next to them. Unfortunately, we have to keep our Knowledgebase and Videos away from the public at this stage, but if you're interested please write to support@enrolhq.com.au and we'll be happy to supply them to you.

Here it goes:

  1. You can now copy the Make Offer Template and make as many variations as you require. When you come to make the offer, these templates will all be presented in a dropdown. We know a lot of you who have many different Offer of Place emails will love this new improvement.
  2. Add or Remove a Non User Parent (Secondary Carer/Parent) from within the Student Profile page in the Admin.
  3. Copy, Delete and Preview Custom Email Templates. (video available)
  4. New System Field: Is Parent a current staff member? Y/N (helpful for our groups of schools that offer discounts across the group)
  5. Assign Tasks Feature deployed. Available through the Comms log and Reports > Tasks. (video available)
  6. Assign Grades to Interview Questions
    If you ask different questions to different parents / students because of their grade of entry, you can now show / hide different sections in the setup, this is handy for schools that will have one set of questions for Kindergarten entries versus Year 7 entries.
  7. Enrolment Commencement Date Feature enabled so you can print the commencement date on your Letters of Offer. (video available)
  8. Ability to select individual or all attendees from your event list and mark in bulk as Not Attended, Attended or Cancelled.
  9. Removed Carer/Parent 1 and Carer/Parent 2 duplicates from the Event Attendees list and Labels Printouts.
  10. Review: Pass / Fail Updates. New filters are available on both the Staff and Principal reviews.
  11. All profiles that are linked to Parent 1's (P1) email address are listed in the detailed view of the other linked family members. This allows you to quickly switch to other sibling profiles when working within a family or see if there are duplicates that need to be merged.
  12. We now print the Make Offer email as a PDF and affix it to the start of the Offer of Acceptance PDF bundle.
  13. Interview PDF - was printing Grade of Entry as -3 or -1, 0. We now print the actual label - e.g. Kindergarten or ELC
  14. Added QR codes to Kiosk events for quick check-in
  15. Re-ordered statistics boxes on the main dashboard so they go in correct user workflow.
  16. Merge profiles feature released - you can merge 2 duplicate student profiles by selecting them in the list view (tick the boxes) and then clicking 'Merge Profiles' in the top right corner. Usually you would keep the profile that's moved further along the enrolment journey. The event bookings, interviews, enquiries and anything else attached to the profile to be merged is copied across to the one that is to be kept.
  17. Added Principal's name and their signature if you want this to be added to your final forms as part of the printed PDF package.
  18. We have relabelled 'All Contacts' to be 'All Prospectives' - this filter will NOT include the following stages: Community, Alumni, Cancelled, Declined and Not Proceeding.
  19. Split Interview Availabilities function to allow you to split interview availability into different segments and then either delete or edit the new segments.
  20. Added Parent only and Child only options for Events. Changed minimum attendees for event from 2 to 1.
  21. Add a 'Save and Back' button for saving events and interview availabilities so that when you click it it takes you back to the list view screen to save time.
  22. Ability to transfer an interview to another interviewer via the Interview Schedule screen
  23. When Custom Forms are submitted, we now append them to the PDF bundle. The final PDF bundle includes the Application Form, Document Uploads, Offer and Acceptance, Terms and Conditions and all submitted custom forms.
  24. On the Interview schedule pop-up in the staff admin and parent dashboard, when the pop-up appears for you to book in and it says, Are You Sure You Want To Book This Time?” we now also display the time.
  25. In Interviews > Schedule, we now also include the column Attendance Type i.e Day Student, Full Boarder etc.
  26. Added 'Update Offer Expiry Date' to bulk actions
  27. Added 'House' to CSV Export
  28. Upcoming Events in admin now display in order of event date - so the next date is shown first.
  29. Added 'Parent Links' for easy reference in Staff Dashboard at bottom of menu.
  30. Split Interview Schedule into Upcoming and Past
  31. Split Interview Assigned Profiles into Upcoming and Past
  32. Added 'Profile > Current Grade Level' available in Event and Enquiry form
  33. Added Residential and Mailing Address system fields for Emergency Contacts. (disabled by default)
  34. Ability to edit fields to display in transactions report and send a digest of all transactions at 6pm each night to a specified email address.
  35. Mailing Address and Communication Preferences for P1 and P2 - new system fields under Parents for more granular filtering/reporting.
  36. Toggle to set Form Builder's Custom Forms mandatory before Offer of Place can be accepted to force parents to sign the IT Agreement, Photo/Video Permission Form, Update Medical/Emergency Contacts BEFORE signing the acceptance and paying the acceptance fee.
  37. Bulk Verify / Un-verify Documents which gives you the ability to request parents for new uploads of School Reports and Naplan Results close to Orientation time.
  38. Dual Signatures (well documented in our KB)
  39. Gender Field Available on Enquiry and Events forms - ability to customise options.
  40. Relabelled some Event Settings to make them clearer.
  41. Events - Kiosk Setting changed to when turned on will allow registrations at any time - irrespective of Event Date and Time.
  42. Added Create Date and Last Updated Date to Export CSV.

That's it for now. We have loads in our development pipeline. Our school registrars seem to be inexhaustible well of ideas, and as you can see from the above, we're taking it all onboard and implementing it. I have to say though that I'm proud of the team and proud of our amazing product. It's wide and it's deep.

Published: 23 Jun 2021

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