How business managers can use EnrolHQ to collect enrolment information

With EnrolHQ's custom questions, schools can design their own page in the enrolment form and collect valuable information for business managers or marketing personnel. EnrolHQ has recently released an export that can take this information and present it back in a clear sheet.

Header graphic showing feature

With EnrolHQ's custom made questionnaire page, schools can ask for information that can be used to improve various school processes such as their enrolment or advertising workflow.

Asking open-ended questions such as "Why are you applying to this college?" or "How can our school better assist your child?" can be very useful information for those who work with improving these processes, across different areas of the school.

EnrolHQ can now export these answers into a CSV file, which in turn easily can be transferred into statistics or even graphs. Business managers and Executives can present these findings at board meetings and explain where their school excel or where there are improvement areas.

Published: 29 Apr 2022

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