I don’t normally write these sales posts, as they usually lack soul :), but I have to tell you a story and write one today.
Eddy and I were sitting in our local the other night and talking about EnrolHQ, where it’s currently at, what it’s good at, and what could be improved and what it does best. And at some stage Eddy said that where EnrolHQ really excels is the “parent journey”. It totally clicked with me. I pointed my finger at him and yelled out “spot on!”
Here is why. With EnrolHQ, from that first touch that parent makes with your school, through to a school event that they attend, such as a tour or an open day, to EOI or an application form submission, to an interview process, to offer of place and acceptance, EnrolHQ provides, hands down, the best experience that you can get anywhere.
But why? Our parent portal, which parents keep coming back to, has a full experience of a parent portal with catered content and actions. Parents keep coming back to it with every status update, an email from the Registrar or just to update their details. They get videos catered for their child’s year and application status. The action buttons change according to where they are on their journey. All the forms are prefilled along the way. This is where they book their interviews after they’ve been allocated some slots by the Registrar or admin team.
“Is there more?”, you say. Sure. EnrolHQ is not just an enrolments solution. It’s also an onboarding solution. Even after a parent has accepted their offer, paid their enrolment fee and signed everything, they’ll come back to fill in onboarding forms, such as their musical instrument questionnaire or photography permission and loads of other things schools ask for before the child commences at your school. And the best thing of all, everything a parent views inside the Parent Portal can be generic i.e. for all parents to see, or catered to a particular parent.
Eddy and I continued discussing the topic and ordered another round (it’s what we do when we’re really onto something) when I said “SEOS”. Eddy was like “What?”. And I said “School Enrolments and Onboarding Software”. “You’re not going to invent a whole new category of school software?” Eddy said laughing.
But it's no JK (as my kids say these days), we are the only School Enrolments and Onboarding Software in Australia. And with new tools, to fix real problems, I think we need a new category.
EnrolHQ is 10 feet wide and 30 feet deep and if you don’t believe me, just take a close look at our Interviews module. If that doesn’t draw out a “hooley, dooley” out of you, as Mark likes to say, I don’t know what will.
Anyway, until next time,
SEOS software developer :)
Published: 07 May 2021