How to mark an enquiry as Responded

Updated: 4 weeks ago

When anyone makes an Enquiry, if they are a new contact or exiting contact, the enquire must have a response. There are sections in Automation that will send a response however this does not mark the Enquiry as responded.

To locate any enquiries that have not been responded to you can view them on the Dashboard, in the box headed Enquiries. Each Enquiry can be responded to as they appear on your dashboard.

Enquiries - Dashboard view.png

Or you can use the "Live Feed" section on the dashboard and just select New Enquiries.

Enquiries - Live Feed view.png

Once you select the Contact with the Enquiry you need to go to the Enquiries tab on the profile. (note: there can be more than 1 Enquiry that requires a response)

Enquiries - where to go to respond.png

The Enquiry is listed and they all require a response.

1 Mark as Responded: - Select the response tab on the Enquiry

2 response to Enquiry: - A pop-up screen will appear with the response options.

2a Please Select: - There is a dropdown menu with the various responses you can choose from, you must select one

3 Description: - Type some details regarding you action

4 Save: - This will mark the Enquiry as responded.

Enquiries - how to respond.png

The enquiry will be stamped as responded with the date in the student record

Enquiries - responded.png

The details of the response are also recorded in the students Comms log.

Enquiries - responded details in Comms Log.png

Once you have marked an Enquiry as responded the summary is removed from the Enquiries Box on your dashboard, and marked responded in the Live Feed.

Enquiries - responded in live feed.png