EnrolHQ's email system

What is EnrolHQ's email system

What are the different email functionalities in EnrolHQ.

Address Book

Record your frequently used email addresses in address book and have them appear in the CC and BCC field when you're writing an email.

Manually change a persons email preferences

How to manually change a parent's email preferences for marketing emails.

Creating and Sending Emails

Commonly Used Tags

Commonly used tags for creating customised email templates.

If Logic - Create customised emails

What are if statements and step-by-step instructions of how to use them.

Create Custom Emails

The steps you need to take to create a custom email template for commslog, bulk emails or automations.

Create Automated Emails

How to create email automations for parents or staff with some useful examples.

How to make changes to email templates

This article explains the different functions when setting up or adjusting an email template.

Send Bulk Emails

An example of how to send an email to multiple parents at once using bulk actions.

Create Marketing Emails

The steps you need to take to set up default settings for marketing emails and instructions on how to create a new marketing email template.

How to send bulk marketing emails

EnrolHQ has the ability to send marketing emails to prospective parents. Read this article to learn how to send marketing emails in bulk.

Original/Pre-written email templates

An explanation of what system emails are and how they work - with some examples.

Setting up different Automated Emails

Set up Automated Incomplete Application Notification To Staff

How to set up an automatic email notification for staff to follow up on incomplete applications. There are system default Automations - if you need to send notifications to a different email address then the Default Staff Notification Automation needs to be turned off and Additional Templates created in Email Settings > Templates >Custom alternate email addresses should be added to the Custom template. The example below if for an incomplete application reminder to staff.

Set up Automated Enrolment Application Follow-Ups To Parents

Step-by-step instructions on how to set up an automatic email reminder for parents for incomplete applications.

Set up Automated Enrolment Offer Reminders

Step-by-step instructions on how to set up an automatic enrolment offer expiry reminder for parents using EnrolHQ.

Set up Automated Interview Reminders

Step-by-step instructions on how to set up an automatic interview reminder for parents to notify them of an upcoming interview.

Set up Automated Event Reminders

Step-by-step instructions on how to set up automatic event reminders using EnrolHQ.

Custom Email Templates and Signatures

Custom Email Templates

Some examples of common custom email templates you can copy/paste and use.

Custom Email Signature

Copy and paste this signature script to get a default version set up in EnrolHQ.

Create Additional Offers - Change Names and update Email Template

Step-by-step instructions on how to set up an alternative email templates for Enrolment Offers and activating a different enrolment stage