
Supercharge your enrolments

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EnrolHQ is an all-in-one solution for
your school's online enrolment needs.



Our online school enrolments system is built to provide the best possible experience for parents.

  • Beautiful, Easy-to-Use, Mobile/Tablet Friendly Forms
  • Parent Dashboard to increase Engagement
  • Full Online "Acceptance of Enrolment Offer" Process
  • School Tours and Open Day Event Bookings
View Parent Benefits



We eliminate error prone data entry, speed up the enrolment process and give registrars a powerful CRM to control to reach their enrolment targets.

  • Future Students CRM
  • Registrars Toolbox full of Enrolment Offer and Acceptance Tools
  • Powerful Bulk and Automated Emailing Tools
  • Customisable Enrolment Forms and Workflows
View Registrar Benefits


ICT Teams

Our online school enrolments system is used by hundreds of schools. It is robust, secure and feature-rich.

  • Full Data Access via RESTful API
  • Custom Subdomains and Domain Authentication for Emails
  • Custom CSS and JavaScript
  • Safe and Secure Hosting with continuous backups running
View ICT Teams Benefits

Features for everyone.
Save time and money.

EnrolHQ records every micro-step of the journey ensuring the system can provide detailed up-to-the-minute reporting. In conjunction with a live dashboard, filters, bookmarks, a comprehensive API and export functions, the EnrolHQ reporting functionalities are limitless.


Monitor your parent engagement

EnrolHQ monitors every interaction and resets an internal engagement clock that helps trigger reminders and internal alerts. It also tracks email delivery, clicks, opens and unsubscribes (if available) on every email communication. Our Live Feed on the dashboard highlights key actions as a parent, e.g. uploads a new document, changes their address or submits an event booking.

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Gain insights from Intelligence and Predictor Reports

By month, year on year and cumulative reports for Events, Enquiries, Applications, Offers and Scholarships are just some of the out-of-the-box Intelligence Reports available. You can filter by Year/Grade of Entry, Campus and Attendance type. Our Predictor Report takes current enrolments, the max number of places per year and EnrolHQ data to predict future enrolments.

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Hit your targets with Conversions and Trends

Our popular Conversion Reports show how effective events are, and how many enquiries you need to hit your orientation targets. Year on Year and Month on Month analysis gives insights into the health of your enrolments pipeline.

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See all that’s happening with Comms and Audit Logs

Every email and SMS sent and every edit made by parents or staff are recorded in the Comms and Audit Log. This gives the ICT Team great visibility over what is happening inside EnrolHQ, when it happened and who made changes.

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Enrol HQ has a fantastic support team in place who go above and beyond to provide the best possible customer experience and ensure your school is getting the most out of their platform. With a clear continual improvement approach, I would highly recommend to any school out there to use Enrol HQ to take their enrolment experience to the next level!

Derek Taylor

Registrar at SEDA College, VIC


Giving you the extensive
toolkit you need

Bulk Actions

From emailing and sending SMS, to inviting to complete a form or upload documentation, bulk actions save you countless hours.

Student Profile Categories

Create tags and then use those to trigger tasks, automations and reporting. So powerful!

Build your own forms

We allow you to create unlimited forms within the system to simplify your workflows and processes.

Impersonate Parent

If you need to understand what your parent is facing, we allow you to impersonate their view so you can see their half completed forms and their dashboard to easily help support.

Data Retention Rules

The system includes bulk delete and timed rentention rules to make sure you are not holding data and uploads unnecessarily.

On-going Support

We are here for you! Use our team for questions, training and best practice setup.

See how EnrolHQ can
transform your school.