
To assist in your decision-making process, our team has gathered all of the cost and conversion benefits that EnrolHQ provides to your school. You'll see the different roles within your school and the associated tasks that either offer an increase to your conversion rate or a cost and time saving. Our enrolment data analysis, observations and school feedback have helped compile this list.

Header graphic showing feature

Our time and cost savings & conversions matrix

Our 'Key Benefits' matrix speaks to all the different stakeholders at a school who are involved in the decision to switch from paper to an online enrolment system or switch online enrolment systems altogether.


EnrolHQ featureSaves time or costHelps conversion rate
A secure login for the whole enrolment journey
Parent Dashboard to view next step or continue saved enrolment
All activities can be completed on computer, tablet or mobile
Can update contact details at any time
Download Contract inside Parent Dashboard
Can book and cancel bookings through dashboard


EnrolHQ featureSaves time or costHelps conversion rate
CRM to add notes and manage ALL enrolment data
No data entry required
1-click bulk actions (email, add note, add to event, invite to enrol, verify documents, set offer expiry etc etc)
Manage the whole journey from enquiry to orientation
Logged in activity gives indication of parent intent
Double opt in feature ensures email and mobile phone details are correct
Use emails to prompt parents to complete or move to the next step
Online review and auto request of further uploads if original uploads are blurry or wrong
Ability to recompile Enrolment Contract with 1-click and present to parent through their dashboard if details are updated after submission
Ability to waiver fees at each step and manually adjust the Offer of Acceptance cut-off date
Drastically speeds up the whole Enrolment process by reducing the postage time and parent document drop-offs (inbound and outbound)
Send single SMS, Bulk SMS and Automate SMS. Provides reporting and chat logs against the parents.
Lead Score by allowing you to assign tags and score applicants.
SMS and Bulk SMS
Re-Open Enrolment Form
Alternate Year Of Entry
Review Status for Applicants
Third Party Custom Form Submissions

Marketing Team

EnrolHQ featureSaves time or costHelps conversion rate
Create and manage events (Tours, Information Evenings etc)
Create auto follow up emails and post follow up emails
Filter all data by date range and year groups
Plots enrolment data on map
Insights Reports for trend analysis

Events Team

EnrolHQ featureSaves time or costHelps conversion rate
Muliple forms available depending on event type
Form for walk-ins which auto checks them in
Ability to Check-in attendees
Auto email reminders
Print labels and attendance sheets
Re-book no shows in bulk
Add notes against attendees to display in CRM


EnrolHQ featureSaves time or costHelps conversion rate
Set your availabilty
Up-to-date Ical feed for displaying upcoming appointments
1 page summary document for pre-interview preparation
Sends Reminder Email
Allows Interview notes to be written or uploaded into CRM

Business Manager

EnrolHQ featureSaves time or costHelps conversion rate
Live Insights for executive reporting
Ability to take the enrolments process totally paperless
Three types of signature (Handwritten, Digital and Authenticated) for Applications and Acceptance of Place

Finance Team

EnrolHQ featureSaves time or costHelps conversion rate
Reconciliation report for Application, Secured place and Acceptance of Place fees
Bank Integration
Auto Receipt Email and Transactions report

IT Team

EnrolHQ featureSaves time or costHelps conversion rate
Data and documents can be stored onsite and trashed from our AWS Sydney server
Various options for moving data into school SIS (we support all major SIS)
2 Factor Authentication for both Staff and Parents
SSO for Staff


EnrolHQ featureSaves time or costHelps conversion rate
Prioritises Students based on given criteria
Live Insights reporting
Principal Review allows Principal to Accept / Reject Applications and add notes
Dashboard shows key enrolment stats (Open Offers, Declined, Expired Offers etc)

Get In Touch

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Write us a short note below and we'll get in touch.

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