Hope you've enjoyed your Summer break! I've always worked on the premise that the 'daily grind' of the year starts around the third week of January. You know, when peak hour traffic starts building up and Term 1 is just around the corner. We totally understand that for many schools, …Read more
Published: 21 Jan 2020
November is a crazy busy time for everyone. Our office is preparing for software deployments over the holiday break. So many things to do, so little time!Specific to EnrolHQ, during the last month, we onboarded a few schools from around Sydney, the South Coast of NSW and even Perth! Go …Read more
Published: 15 Nov 2019
Why do we keep improving EnrolHQ all the time? It's because sometimes, you release a new feature and a School Registrar sees it inside their EnrolHQ staff dashboard and writes you the following email:Hi Eddy,Wow, we have a new print version of the Application for Enrolment which is looking great. …Read more
Published: 25 Oct 2019
What better use of the quiet school holiday period than to pump out another new feature ready for the busy term ahead. We’ve now released an ‘Electronic Signature’ feature that comes standard with EnrolHQ so parents can electronically sign Enrolment Applications and Acceptance of Enrolment Offers! For schools who are …Read more
Published: 11 Oct 2019
School marketing teams always want to know: ‘How did you hear about our school?’. This question receives more scrutiny and fine-tuning by schools than any other field in all of EnrolHQs huge library of form fields. That’s because you want to know if the school bus wraps, the displays in …Read more
Published: 19 Sep 2019
We have schools with all sorts of varied backgrounds as EnrolHQ clients; schools from different faiths, differing socio-economic backgrounds, large and small schools, Primary vs Secondary (or both), the list goes on.As we’ve built the system we’ve learned that each school is peculiar in its own little way and no …Read more
Published: 05 Sep 2019
Woohoo! Better late than never. My regular monthly system update is a couple of days late because we were at the EducatePlus NSW Conference earlier this week. It was our first time as sponsors and we had an absolute blast! We had a great time seeing all of our current …Read more
Published: 04 Sep 2019
It’s been a while coming but our amazing team of developers have used August to release a fully automated follow-up email system on EnrolHQ. This complements our automated events email system already in production. So far, school admissions teams have been able to use EnrolHQ's powerful CRM filters to search …Read more
Published: 02 Sep 2019
It's most likely a combination of wrangling with spreadsheets and email marketing tools (Campaign Monitor, Mailchimp etc.), or hijacking the school management system to fit in future families. And what do you do with the data if they never enrol? Although this laborious method might work for the school admissions …Read more
Published: 13 Aug 2019
At EnrolHQ we’re always busy figuring out new ways to help schools admissions teams succeed.Here’s some of the features we rolled out in July.Full School Interviews Workflow, read more here.Parents Registration Page for School ExposPhoto and Video Publishing Consent Withdrawal for families in the Parent Dashboard (more on this next …Read more
Published: 03 Aug 2019
Can't believe it's August already! The Independent Schools Expos for the North Shore and the Hills area are just around the corner. The EnrolHQ team thought we’d roll-out a new feature just-in-time to help schools on EnrolHQ seamlessly collect those future family leads while you’re out there working the booth.I …Read more
Published: 02 Aug 2019
Welcome to Term 3! We’ve had a relatively quiet couple of weeks at the EnrolHQ office because of the NSW school holidays. Sometimes, quiet time is good though as it’s given our team the space to knuckle down and release a huge new feature - a fully featured Future Student …Read more
Published: 22 Jul 2019
At EnrolHQ, we're not the 'online enrolment form company'. We're about building the best tools for helping school leadership teams to:Increase the amount of applications they receiveReduce the time from application to offer acceptance and,Increasing the % rate of offer acceptancesTo ultimately make sure your schools student pipeline is full, …Read more
Published: 08 Jul 2019
What do you do when you have enrolment applications on paper but want to move online?We find that most schools already have a number of applications for enrolment that have arrived through the post. These come from parents who have enquired earlier and filled out a paper form. A lot …Read more
Published: 08 Jul 2019
It’s been another exciting month at EnrolHQ. Happy "Last Day of Term" for those of you in NSW who actually get time off during term breaks. I hope your desk doesn’t currently look like the one above with a pile of paper applications sitting on top - it’s a real …Read more
Published: 28 Jun 2019
“How do I know what automated emails the family has received from the system so I don’t double up on the same communications?” - another top question we receive from Enrolment Registrars.You know, the goal for EnrolHQ is to completely replace the future students module in your Student Management System. …Read more
Published: 22 Jun 2019
“‘How do I know which families to follow up with?” - this is one of the most common questions I always get asked by registrars. Especially when you’re up to 80% of your enrolment offer accepted target and you need to chase that last 20% one family at a time. …Read more
Published: 05 Jun 2019
May is traditionally a big month for us as it's when our Managing Director, Mark Barrett and the team speak at our School Marketing Masterclass at Darling Harbour. It's always great to see all of you in the room soaking up the trends for 2019, taking concrete advice for how …Read more
Published: 27 May 2019
One of the challenges we’ve had is that parents have forgotten whose (was it “dad’s” or “mum’s”?) email address they’ve used to fill in an enrolment form or expression of interest for their child.However, “mum” would fill in their spouses (“dad”) details as “Parent 1” leading to the father being …Read more
Published: 14 May 2019
This new feature focuses on School Tours and Open Days. We know that a big part of School Marketing and an Enrolment Registrars job is to make sure these events run as smoothly as possible and give the best impression for your school.While I know you make every endeavour to …Read more
Published: 09 May 2019
We look after the finance team this month by giving them their own exportable detailed transaction report. We know reconciling can be the absolute pits when you don't have all the information at hand. The devs at EnrolHQ hit this report out of the park! See what else they have …Read more
Published: 29 Apr 2019
Did you know you are able to set the calendar years and grade/year of entry that parents can select at the beginning of filling an enrolment form or an expression-of-interest form.The big win from this feature is to stop parents from submitting enrolment forms for years that are already full …Read more
Published: 17 Apr 2019
We call March the start of 'duck season'. If you are going to get some leads and applications, most of them will happen between March - June. These 3 months are when we typically see the most enrolment action happen for the year. It's the time to really use the …Read more
Published: 25 Mar 2019
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