Updated: 12 months ago
This article is a step-by-step guide to the process of enabling and using a feature that allows schools to send custom forms to any designated recipients they choose for tasks such as form completion, document upload, signature acquisition, and ID document submission.
This feature is designed to simplify the process of collecting important information from various individuals. Please follow the steps below to make use of this feature effectively.
Step 1: Enable the Ability to Nominate 3rd Party Submission
1.1. Navigate to Custom Forms in the main menu > Find the respective custom form > Click “edit”
1.2. Enable “Ability to Nominate 3rd Party Submission”.
1.3. Make sure to save your changes if required.
Step 2: Invite a 3rd Party to Fill Out a Custom Form
2.1. Navigate to the student detailed view section > Click on the "Custom Forms Invites" tab > Click “add”
Step 3: Select and Nominate Access
3.1. In the Custom Form Invite section, you will see a list of available custom forms. Select the specific form you want to send to a 3rd party.
3.2. Next, you will need to nominate who should have access to this form. Fill in the information about the person who will receive this form.
3.3. Once you've nominated the 3rd party, they will receive an automatic email invitation with a link to the custom form. This email will contain instructions on how to access and submit the form.
Step 4: Customise Email Template
4.1. If you wish to customise the email template sent to 3rd party recipients, you can do so by going to Email Settings > Templates > Custom Form.
4.2. Inside the "Custom Form" template, you can make changes to the email content, including the Subject Line, Message Body, and any additional instructions you want to include.
Step 5: Set Up Email Notifications Automation
5.1. To receive email notifications when a custom form has been submitted you need to create an automation. This is a 2-step process.
5.1.1. Create a custom email template that goes to school staff when a new form submission has been received
5.1.2. Create an automation
Step 6: Track Submissions
6.1. To track submissions from 3rd parties, go to Reports > Custom Form Submits.
6.2. Within this section, you should be able to filter on different custom forms and view a list of submissions, including the ones initiated by 3rd parties.
Additional Tips:
By following these steps, your school can easily enable and use the Custom Form Arbitrary Signing feature to collect information from various individuals, streamlining the data collection process and improving administrative efficiency. Customising the email template and setting up email notifications via automation allows for efficient communication and tracking of form submissions.