Updated: 8 months, 2 weeks ago
To begin setting up you need to fill in the basic information such as the school's details, signature workflow and parent relationships. Please follow the step-by-step guide below:
Go to Settings > School Details and enter the following in the School Settings Box:
Scroll down to Field Options. Use the checkboxes to show/hide options. If checked, the Residency statuses will be added to the form. If unchecked, they will be hidden.
There is also a feature called the Entry Year Prediction Cut-Off month - if enabled and set, EnrolHQ will use the applicant's Date of Birth and Grade of Entry to pre-fill the expected Year of Entry. Eg a date of '8th August 2014' and Grade of Entry of 'Year 2' will pre-fill Year of Entry as '2022'. The parent can still override this Year of Entry if they so desire.
The default values we suggest are:
Parents Married
Parents Divorced
Mother Deceased
Father Deceased
Single Parent
Parents Separated
Parents in De Facto Relationship
There is also a checkbox to allow you to make Parent 2 mandatory on the application form. If you uncheck this box, the applicant will be able to add either one or two parents. If you want to only allow this feature in certain circumstances (eg a mother or father has deceased) by default these options have been added and will bypass the original setting for 2 parents..