Updated: 8 months, 1 week ago
Go to Email Settings > Templates > Custom > Add and create a custom template to follow up with the Parents if they have started but not completed an application. It is recommended that the name of the Template is named ‘Incomplete application - 7 days (parent)’ where parent means that the Template is Parent related.
Copy and paste directly into the Template
Dear {{ user_parent.title }} {{ user_parent.last_name }},
A quick hello from us at {{ school.settings.name }}! We just wanted to touch base with you as we noticed that you started an application with us but are yet to complete it. We are really excited at the prospect of receiving an application for {{ profile.first_name }} and just wanted to let you know that we are here to help!
You can continue your application at any time, by logging into your parent dashboard using email {{ user_parent.email }}.
If you are holding off on submitting the application due to questions you have about {{ school.settings.name }}, please let us know, and we will answer them for you. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, feel free to get in touch by giving us a call and we will walk you through the process. If you would like to get in contact, you can reach us on {{ school.settings.telephone }} or by replying to this email.
We hope to hear from you soon!
Kind regards,
{{ school.settings.registrar_name }}
To read how to create an automated email please click here:https://www.enrolhq.com.au/enrolhq-knowledgebase/emails/create-automated-emails/
Go to Automations and click create