Updated: 8 months, 1 week ago
Go to Settings > School Details > Enrolment Offer Workflow > Trigger reminder this number of hours before an Enrolment offer expiration. Set this to the desired values and click “Save” at the bottom of the page.
You can also set this up directly from automation (point 3).
Note: 168 hours is 7 days
Go to Email Settings > Templates > Custom and set up a custom offer reminder email to send to Parents
Copy and Paste directly into the Template and add your school specific language/vernacular
{% if non_user_parent.last_name and user_parent.last_name == non_user_parent.last_name %}
Dear Mr. and Mrs. {{ user_parent.last_name }}
{% else %}
Dear {{ user_parent.title }} {{ user_parent.last_name }} {% if non_user_parent.last_name %} and {{ non_user_parent.title }} {{ non_user_parent.last_name }}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
This is a friendly reminder that the {{ enrolment_offer_label }} for {{ profile.first_name }} to commence at {{ school.settings.name }} in {% if profile.entry_grade != 0 and profile.entry_grade != -1 and profile.entry_grade != -2 %} {{ school.cms_settings.school_level_label }} {% endif %} {{ profile.get_entry_grade_display }}, {{ profile.entry_year }} is expiring on {{ profile.progress.enrolment_offer.expiry_date|date:"l j F Y" }}.
If you wish to accept the offer, please log in to the Parent Dashboard using email {{ user_parent.email }} {% if profile.progress.enrolment_offer.payment_cost %} and follow the prompt to pay your Enrolment Acceptance fee of ${{ profile.progress.enrolment_offer.payment_cost }}{% endif %}.
If you wish to withdraw your {{ profile.gender|gender:"plural"|title }} Enrolment please contact me on {{ school.settings.telephone }} or via email {{ school.settings.email }}.
To read how to create an automated email please click here:https://www.enrolhq.com.au/enrolhq-knowledgebase/emails/create-automated-emails/ you cannot setup an automation without a relevant Custom Template. The timing of the reminder can be adjusted however you should ammend the destription of the email Template to match whatever timing you choose, 7 days or 2 days.