Save time updating addresses and non-user parent details by using the copy/paste feature.
Copy/Paste feature
To make it easier to add or update address information through the Admin, there is a Paste button under Student Detailed View > Student tab, Parent 1 tab and Parent 2 tab > Residential Details. This will provide a list of all the addresses of registered students, parents and connected siblings to choose from.
Please note in each profile if all members live together then you need to update the address in 4 locations.
Using this button you can easily paste the new address to the other family connections if the address has changed. The paste button will display all the available addresses within the profile.

There is also a paste parent data button under Student Detailed View > Parent 2 tab. This button provides a list of parent 2 for connected siblings. Selecting one of the options will paste in this sibling's parent 2 information.
This feature is useful if you have a parent that has completed an application and then sends either an enquiry form or books into a tour without providing parent 2 details.