Change your grade-year-settings to simplify the enrolment process for full year groups

EnrolHQ give schools an option to manually open and close year-group-settings so that parents can't apply for spots that won't be available unless specifically requested by the enrolment staff.

Header graphic showing feature

In EnrolHQ you can set your grade-year-settings to reflect when a grade-year is full and no longer taking applications. Once in place, the year will no longer be available for parents when submitting an application, and the parent will be prompted to fill out a "register your interest form" instead. Enrolment staff can then filter these forms based on a scored waitlist. This feature helps registrars to avoid parents applying when there are no spots available and also results in less declined letters being sent out, which improves the overall parent journey and gives a better reputation to the school.

EnrolHQ has released a new setting that overrides this function and opens these closed year groups back up for manually set parents. Every parent will be ticked with "Parent is only allowed to select Year Level / Entry Year that is available in Grade - Year Settings" by default. By unticking this new flag, registrars can easily choose if a parent needs access to closed year groups.

Published: 15 Sep 2022

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