EnrolHQ Masterclass

New Feature - SMS Parents in real-time

SMS is a helpful tool to communicate with parents. We offer Bulk SMS, Automated SMS and detailed reporting. Text messaging has never been quicker or easier.

Header graphic showing feature

EnrolHQ gives each school their unique mobile phone number to ensure that parents can respond to any text messages. We log all incoming and outgoing communication in the system under the Comms Log and in the SMS > Messages report. 

SMS can be sent to individual numbers or as bulk broadcast to hundreds of recipients at a time. 

Schools can either type in their message or create pre-made templates. The SMS can also be automated to go out if a specific trigger occurs, in a similar way that automated emails are sent. For example, as you Make an Offer via email, a SMS can accompany the offer - letting parents know an important email has been sent to them.

Apply for SMS here:https://www.enrolhq.com.au/sms-apply/

When to use SMS

Here are a couple of scenarios when you could use SMS through EnrolHQ:

  • Ensure that parents receive important emails (which sometimes can be marked as spam by the email provider). A simple message could ask the parent to check their inbox as they've received an important email. 
  • SMS can be used to ask parents to book into an event that has been created. URLS can be embedded in the text messages.
  • Reminder to upload documents or attend an event.
  • A request or a confirmation of attendance to an event or an interview.
  • Send parking or directions to your school.
  • To let parents know an event has been cancelled at the last minute.

Helpful Answers

What is the cost of SMS

  1. Exclusive mobile phone number for your school to use and receive replies - $25 rental per month.
  2. Annual setup and support licence - $300 (ex). This will be invoiced to your school.
  3. SMS credits are available to purchase at $0.095 each.

Why do I need a dedicated phone number?

This is so we can link any SMS responses back to your parent chat log. Having your own number also means that parents don’t get confused if applying for 2 or more schools - as a lot of schools use EnrolHQ :)

Can I have a redirect on my dedicated phone number so people can call it?

Yes, this service is offered for $99/month. That means that if anyone calls your mobile number, it will be diverted back to your chosen school phone number.

How do the SMS credits work?

An SMS has a 160 character limit for a single SMS segment. For messages with more than 160 characters, all messages will be segmented with a 153 character limit. A credit is required for every 153 characters you send if your message goes over 160 characters. The additional 7 characters are used for joining multiple segments into 1 SMS message. If you use emoji's, this message is coded a different way and your character limit is reduced to 70 characters.

When you construct your message, we’ll show you how many characters and the equivalent amount of SMS credits you will be using per message. If a parent replies to you, this credit will also be charged to your account.

So, for example, if you send an SMS, ‘Dear {{ User_Parent.firstname }}, Please reply CONFIRM if you are attending our Open Morning Tour tomorrow at 9.30am.’ And they reply Confirm, you’ll be charged for 1 outbound SMS (under 160 characters) and 1 inbound SMS (under 160 characters).

How do I see all my inbound SMS?

There is a notifications alert box in the top right corner of EnrolHQ. This will show any new unread messages. You can also run a report of all inbound and outbound SMS through SMS > Messages

What if someone asks to opt out from SMS?

There is an opt-out toggle in the Comms Log under the chat window. Activating this will exclude the parent from getting any bulk SMS and disable the chat facility.

Can you SMS overseas numbers?
Yes - you can send internationally. Our system will automatically detect the destination based on the recipient's mobile number and adjust sender IDs in order to deliver it. 

What needs to be considered, however, is available features and regulations in the region you are sending to. 
Why call this real-time SMSing?

The incoming messages from parents will appear in the SMS window without the need to refresh the page. The same applies to the bell notification inside the header. You'll be working away and when the SMS comes in the bell will notify you that a new SMS message has arrived. In real time, right there and then when it happens, without the need for page refresh or any action by the user.

Example SMS Templates

Dear {{ user_parent.first_name }}, This is the Enrolments Team at Demo College. We've just sent you an important message via email. Please check your inbox including SPAM. Text STOP to opt-out.

Dear {{ user_parent.first_name }}, We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at our School Tour at 9am. Reply Y to confirm your attendance. Demo College. Text STOP to opt-out.

Dear {{ user_parent.first_name }}, Thanks for confirming. Here are directions and transport options. https://tinyurl.com/14w53 Demo College. Text STOP to opt-out.

Please read more about SMS segments and pricing

Published: 03 May 2022

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