New Features Released in May ‘19

The new features keep on rolling out based on your feedback. Here's what happened in May '19

Header graphic showing feature

May is traditionally a big month for us as it's when our Managing Director, Mark Barrett and the team speak at our School Marketing Masterclass at Darling Harbour. It's always great to see all of you in the room soaking up the trends for 2019, taking concrete advice for how to make the most of your marketing budgets and enjoying the good food and coffee on offer.

While all of that was happening, our devs were busy rolling out more enhancements to make life easier for schools on EnrolHQ. Here's are the main changes...

  1. Document Verification Checklists for Birth Certificate, Immunisation History Statement, Baptism Certificate, School Reports
  2. Changed ‘Enrolment Review’ table view to show this document verification data across 4 new columns
  3. Added Record Counts + “Jump to page X” at bottom of table view on Enrolment Review and Principal’s Review screens.
  4. Bulk Email Feature on Enrolment Review screen with checkboxes and select all to allow school to contact parents about resending illegible or incorrect copies of documents.
  5. Acceptance of Offer Changes to Improve Parent Usability including reversing order so that Parent 2 accepts first, then Parent 1, then payment is collected
  6. Acceptance of Offer - Added scrollable box for Terms and Conditions for Parents
  7. Acceptance of Offer - Allow Registrar to waive Parent 2 acceptance
  8. Acceptance of Offer - Added acceptance PDF and terms and conditions to the back of the PDF Bundle for the parent. This PDF bundle to be downloadable by parent from parent dashboard with a link underneath the 'Enrolment Offer Accepted' status text.
  9. Added Resend Offer Email Button for Registrar
  10. Added Parent Declined Status for Registrar
  11. Added Sort to Enrolment Submitted Date, Enrolment Submitted Date. Can only use one column to sort. Sorting by one column will clear any sort on any other date column for Registrar
  12. Added Enrolment Accepted Date column with date and time and make it sortable for Registrar
  13. Added ‘Manual Payment’ form for Registrars for parents who come to pay in person at the school admin office.

Published: 27 May 2019

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