“‘How do I know which families to follow up with?” - this is one of the most common questions I always get asked by registrars. Especially when you’re up to 80% of your enrolment offer accepted target and you need to chase that last 20% one family at a time. Yes, I’ve just described your job haven’t I?
EnrolHQs filters for families at the enrolment stage have been made much more fine-grained now. You’ll see in the status dropdown you have 4 radio buttons - Enrolment - Incomplete Application, Enrolment - New Submission, Enrolment - Offer Open, Enrolment - Offer Expired. Here’s a quick explanation on how to use these to chase-up enrolments…
- Enrolment - Incomplete Application, this is where you can see who has started to fill out an application for enrolment but hasn’t submitted yet. By looking at days since last login (the smaller the number, the more recently they’ve engaged with the enrolment system), it gives you a good idea of recent activity on your enrolment forms.
- Enrolment - New Submission - this is where you can see if anybody has submitted any new enrolment forms recently. Apart from receiving an email notification, you can come to this filter as part of your daily routine to check for applications that need to be reviewed
- Enrolment - Offer Open - this is where you can see people who have offers of enrolment that haven’t expired yet. Generally speaking, offers of enrolment will be open for 2-4 weeks before they expire (depending on your school settings). If the expiry date is coming up, you can send a bulk email to remind parents that offers are about to expire to remind them to accept
- Enrolment - Offer Expired - this is the filter for people who have an offer of enrolment that’s expired. It will be up to your discretion to follow up with them and either decline the offer or extend it if you think it might result in another acceptance.
Families who accept their offers are moved into the ‘Orientation’ bucket while families who decline can be marked at ‘Parents Declined’ to move them out of the Enrolment bucket and into the Declined bucket. This is so that any bulk emails you send to those enrolment offers still in play don’t go to families who have accepted or formally declined.
Published: 05 Jun 2019