Utilising the power of scholarship application forms online

Learn how EnrolHQ schools run scholarship applications online and reap the rewards.

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Can you believe it’s nearly the end of Term 4? What a year we’ve all experienced. I’m not sure about you but I’m really looking forward to the Christmas break where we can turn off our screens for a few weeks (well kinda) and spend some time at the beach with the family.

At EnrolHQ, we know that the important scholarship season has begun for many of our clients. And we understand that the way each school processes scholarships varies. Some of our clients use external agencies for the whole process and some run it all in-house (good luck to you :p), while others use a combination of the two. Typically the school collects the data and holds interviews but another company runs the testing component. Whatever your situation, EnrolHQ can be a great tool to handle most of the heavy lifting in document uploads, reconciling payments, reviewing and scheduling interviews.

I think one of the key benefits of EnrolHQ, and something we rarely talk about, is the flexibility to go in and simply turn on or off a new form or make an edit to an existing form. Sydney Grammar School, for example, had their scholarships form up and ready to be used within 10 minutes - that’s right - ten (10) minutes. And that setup included the output of a custom form, document uploads, a payment reconciliation to their bank (with emailed receipt), a signed PDF document bundle for each applicant, and an admin dashboard with review, export, communication tools and reporting capabilities. The feature allowed for hundreds of applications to be submitted in just days.

An outstanding result in regards to process optimisation and delivery. It’s important to note that for EnrolHQ clients, the system is set up to support itself. You don’t need to call or email us to make changes because you have full control from go to whoa.

Our philosophy is that this is your data, these are your forms and you should be independent i.e. not relying on us if someone wants to add a new field or create a new form. If the current environment has taught us anything, it’s that you need to be able to move quickly and efficiently. Logging a support case for simple tasks is neither quick nor efficient.

When it comes to scholarships, another key take-away is that by collecting scholarship data inside EnrolHQ, you also create a fantastic list of new parents who may turn into full fee-paying students in the future. Imagine having a database of all the eligible students form the area? That’s ‘gold’ to your enrolments team and something your marketing team spends time and money trying to capture. Reducing the application fee to seed the database with potential students is a marketing strategy, where the students come to you, and you don’t need to pay to find them. You may also consider part scholarships to fill vacancies.

EnrolHQ is also about making the parent experience truly outstanding. For any parent that is already in our system, they simply log in to complete the online application for scholarship and we will pre-populate the form for them since we have all their data. If they register for multiple children, we can also help populate the fields that are common to both applications. We get great parent feedback, especially when they are applying to multiple schools, so we can compare the processes. The feedback we get is that our system is easy to use and is intuitive. As I always say, you can’t say you are an innovative school in your advertising, but use archaic systems at the end of the call to action. You have to “be your brand”!

Finally, when it comes to pricing, I’ve left the best for last. Depending on how you use the system, for most schools – the scholarships form is included in the standard EnrolHQ license fee. This is all listed on our pricing page if you wanted to take a look.

Published: 11 Jan 2021

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