Our Process for Tracking and Maximising Year 7, 2022 Enrolments

It's the start of the year and we know that dozens of our clients are already thinking about their Year 7, 2022 enrolments.

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Fast Track. Every. Journey

With Parent Information Events coming up in just a few weeks, here's our process and recommendations to maximise your enrolment return.

  1. Compile / Export the current list of students in 'Expression of Interest (EOI)' status from your SIS and provide the file to us so we can import the students into EnrolHQ and get both systems in sync. The importance of this is be able to send out registered email invitations from EnrolHQ to all families who have expressed interest in Year 7, 2022 and cast the widest net possible.
  2. Set up the Information Day/Evening as an Event inside EnrolHQ. We strongly recommend that parents register for this event so we can track their registrations and follow-up with parents who haven't pre-registered but are on our EOI list. Prompts to attend should be used at the date draws closer.
  3. Set-up a banner on your school website to advertise the Year 7, 2022 Information Event. This is to pick up families who have not yet submitted an EOI. Parents would click through on the banner on the website to the Event registration page described in (2) and register themselves. The number of tracked families interested in Year 7, 2022 will subsequently increase.
  4. Our research shows that Social Media Advertising (80% FB / 20% Insta) with a budget of around $500 to your core target audiences will find you a few brand new prospects - we recommend starting 5 weeks before your event and ending 3 days prior.
  5. Once all the families have registered for the Information Event, track attendance at the evening using the EnrolHQ Check-in screen and see how many RSVPed vs how many attended. At the event, don't let any walk-ins enter until you gather the relevant contact information at laptops re-purposed as Event Registration Kiosks - using the EnrolHQ looping Kiosk registration / check-in link.
  6. At the conclusion of the Information Evening, and for those parents who attended, we recommend you trigger system Email Invites to ask parents to commence their Application for Enrolment. We can then track who starts, who completes and who requires help to complete. Our auto-email scheduling tool should be used to prompt parents to finish their applications and alert staff that a phone call might be needed.

This process is about setting up a funnel so any school can keep its finger on the pulse every step of the way and make adjustments if required. Once on, no one gets #offthetrain without you knowing about it.

In summary:

  • Start tracking all EOIs for Year 7, 2022
  • Add to the funnel by using a website banner (and marketing) to attract more parents to sign up for the Information Event
  • Setup some Social Media spend
  • Track how many RSVP
  • Track how many Attend
  • Automatically follow up with attendees and track how many start the Enrolment Form
  • Track how many complete the Enrolment Form
  • In the future, track how many students are made offers
  • Track how many accept offers and sign a contract (later in the year)

Hope this helps with your planning for Year 7, 2022.

Published: 29 Jan 2020

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