67 features our team has rolled out in the last 6 months

Our dev team has never been this busy. The more schools we onboard the more feature requests come in, which is great because these keep improving our product.

Header graphic showing feature

Below is a list of some of the notable features and a couple of bug fixes we implemented over the last few months. I hope that most of these will make sense to our users, since as you guys know, our product goes deeeep! :)

You'll also get some insights into how our dev team operates from these user stories. A lot of what you see below is actually copy/paste from the school registrar's support case, but majority of the items are written by Eddy, Mark and Mario. Mainly Eddy (all the rude ones hahaha).

Once we receive a support request or a feature request, we'll evaluate it and if it fits on our roadmap and makes sense, one of us will make it into a development ticket for devs consumption. One of our devs will then pick one from the pile and work on it. Our dev team is across all your support tickets and know a lot of the school and registrar names personally, as a lot of this info is included into the tickets, as you can see below.

I have left this is a raw state on purpose (maybe also because I got bored copying/pasting all of it). By the way I had enough material to go to 99, which was the original title of this post, but after so many I think 67 of the best ones will do :) Soz!

Here we are:

  1. As a School Registrar I would like to see a table with who has submitted what Custom Forms for a particular (Entry_grade, Entry_year, Status)
  2. [Request from our Adventist schools] Add ability to toggle Custom Forms to 'Private'. If private it means there is no link to it from the parent dashboard. Parent user must know the exact URL to go to fill it out. If private then also ignore Grade/Year settings - anybody who goes to the link can fill out the form if they have a student profile
  3. EOI Form - Add Terms & Conditions
  4. The follow on for this is that we would have different T&Cs, Next Steps, Privacy Policy and Signature Settings etc for EOI too. At the end of the day we will have 4 sets of T&C, Privacy Policy, Next Steps, Checkbox Text and Signature Settings for GPA (legacy EOI), Enrolment Form, Reserved Place Offer, Confirmed Place Offer.
  5. On Staff side, 'Passport Upload' should never be mandatory so the record can be saved without a passport even if the student profile is an international/overseas student
  6. [Request from our friends at St Greg's Campbelltown] Add 3 extra Category Fields for Staff Use Only. These have to be rename-able and have arbitrary number of options (similar to Interview Categories). Need to be able to filter these.
  7. Add 2 x new Y/N fields for the Medical tab. (1) Permission for the School to give the student Panadol (if required) (2) Permission for the School to give the student Ibuprofen (if required). Labels should be editable and disabled by default.
  8. [Bug] The statuses for Enrolment Offer, Orientation... are repeating in the drop-down filter since last update.
  9. Change 'Year of Entry' to 'Year Level of Entry' across the whole system for field name. If school uses Grade then it will be 'Grade of Entry' still. If the label is "Year" then "Level" needs to be added to the field name to distinguish it from "Calendar Year of Entry"
  10. Change Button label in Parent Dashboard and Admin Dashboard to Document Uploads - not Document Re-Uploads. Some schools are using this feature to request documents for the first time - so this makes more sense.
  11. Please set Pass: Not Validated as the default value in Reports > Enrolment Review - this will save a click each time the report is opened as Admins only want to see items that have not yet been pass/failed.
  12. Please set Approved: Not Validated as default value in Reports - Principal's Review - this will save a click each time the report is opened as Admins only want to see items that have not yet been pass/failed.
  13. Implement different signature settings for EOI, Enrolment Form, Enrolment Offer and Reserved Place Offer
  14. Be able to Admin Review Pass/Fail and Principal Review Pass/Fail from Detail Record
  15. Re-order Email Template dropdown to be alphabetical and also Custom Template Names in Email Settings --> Templates --> Custom
  16. Implement full Create - Read - Update - Delete on internal Notes
  17. Take out the "Non-Refundable" prepend to the Order Line and the "Fee" append to the Order Line
  18. Dashboard Stats Update - Exclude Declined/Not Proceeding/Cancelled from most boxes. From the numbers and from the list itself. For Enquiries if 'Marked as Responded' don't show in the list
  19. Verified / NO on a document upload in Custom Form Submit through Admin dashboard should allow for Document Upload button inside Parent Dashboard to appear. Same functionality as Enrolment form.
  20. Add new system fields which can be toggled and relabelled: 1. Profile > Title (before first name - pick list like parent title), 2. Profile > Student Mobile (After Home Phone), 3. Profile > Student Email (After Home Phone), 4. Parent > Church Membership is held at (After Religion), 5. Parent > Church I regularly attend is (After Religion), 6. Parent > DOB (after Preferred Name)
  21. Make 'Reserved Place' label renamable all over UI (Staff and Parent) just like Enrolment Offer can be made into 'Confirmed Place'
  22. Settings > Profile > Term of Entry - please make this available on events and enquiry forms if toggled on. Add Term of Entry as a {{ }} tag in emails
  23. [Request from our friends at Ravenswood] Also have 'Interview' as a separate status that happens before Offer. Move 'Interview Tab' so it is to the left of Confirmed Place Offer but to the right of Reserved Place offer. For all other schools Interview should be to the left of Enrolment Offer tab
  24. Make {{ profile.assigned_interviewer.name }} a tag available on all emails. Prints nothing if nothing assigned otherwise prints latest interviewer assigned, regardless of interview status etc.
  25. [For our friends at Santa Maria College in Perth] Add sections and custom question for the interviews PDF. The sections and the questions on the Interview PDF have to be nicely laid out and questions numbered.
  26. For Events, Please allow the ability to duplicate an event to save people typing in all the settings again - the only item they should need to select is the date from the picker.
  27. Action 9 items inside the Final Feedback for Enrolment Review PDF ticket
  28. Add a Third Status "Cancelled" for Event Bookings - can be Attended/Not-Attended/CANCELLED - Cancelled for a SP will stop reminder emails from going out. Does not show SP in Attendance Marking, Attendance Sheets, Labels. Need to show Cancelled as a filter option in the Show More options. Default is that none of these choices are chosen before the event start time. Cancelled can be chosen before event start time. Attended/No Show only after start time.
  29. If Campus > 1, please add a campus filter to the top line beside Year of Entry - this is for the dashboard and Contacts views.
  30. For Edumate - add a setting called 'One-Time Sync'. If 'On' do not write all the [EnrolHQ - Do Not Remove] in the alerts. Registrar can still choose to sync mulitple times but it keeps appending to the alerts
  31. Add 'Engage' and 'SchoolEdge' to integration options
  32. If the integration is enabled then have a 'Sync Sentral', 'Sync Engage', or 'Sync Schooledge' button where the 'Sync Edumate' button lives
  33. Print and enrolment form before it's submitted - Use-case: Our Kamaroi friends want to print the form and give to the parents to physically sign in the school office (at an interview). Sometimes parents may only fill out first 3 sections and not bother with the uploads, we still need to be able to print at this point. This is separate to the standard print buttons - if form is incomplete and registrar prints it, the PDF should not be available to parents in the parent dashboard.
  34. Please add 'Attendance Type' and 'Religion' Question to Enquiry Forms (Enquiry and Register your interest) - if toggled on. At the moment it is displaying in the events form, but not in our 2 x enquiry forms.
  35. [For our new Victorian friends] Event Exports - Add Gender and Attendance Type to attendance sheet and the export
  36. Please more Religion Details > Church Attended to the Student's Profile as this item is requested a lot by itself - it should sit under Religion (other) on the Student Profile page. Disabled by default.
  37. Bulk Action - need to bulk verify documents and bulk 'unverify' documents. Select 15 profiles, click bulk verify document then it shows me full list of document kinds, I tick the boxes for the ones i want verified...Vice versa needed too. This is to do Document Re-Upload requests easily.
  38. Parent 2 Signature Collection on Application Form - User Story: I am a divorced parent, I live in a different residence from my ex-spouse. My child lives with me, I fill out the enrolment form and at the end I want ex-my spouse to sign. See ticket 1433 for all the finer details.
  39. Add child religion to all the forms for our Damascus College friends
  40. Add a setting to Custom Forms called 'Mandatory Before Offer Acceptance' - When schools make Custom Forms available at Enrolment Offer time and also ask for 'Acceptance of Enrolment Offer' the parent signs the acceptance and pays and never bothers to fill the rest of the forms out. See 1421 for the full reasoning here.
  41. [From our friends at St Lukes Grammar] Have the ability to keep 'Is Parent an Ex Student' but remove Alumni Connections section altogether. Currently I can remove alumni connections but then it takes away is parent an ext student. Use case - schools only care if parents an ex student, doesn't care about other relations.
  42. [Estimate Given] Add Title, Firstname, Lastname to Emergency Contacts - migration means split 'Full name' on first space so that the first name is the first word, last name is remainder of string. Title has to be blank for migrated contacts. This will update API too so let me know when you're going to roll this out
  43. We need to add mailing address to both P1 and P2. We keep mailing address for student profile - no changes. I have added a step in the screenshot - it will have a heading MAILING ADDRESS - this needs to be added and disabled by default. If yes, this will toggle the additional address fields (same as student workflow and fields).
  44. Transaction Report - need to have a custom feature to export Transaction report in a new format and also ability to email once per day to a certain email address
  45. Split Interviews list view into Upcoming Bookings at top and then a break with heading All Past Bookings underneath - 2 tables to be rendered for easier UX. Search and filters should work for both tables at once.
  46. Add Button - Assign Interviewer - in the students interview tab. It will have the same workflow as the Bulk Action Assign Interviewer - but can be managed against the individual. See mockup.
  47. Allow Cancellation of Past interviews. We had a case where student noshowed for an interview but cannot reschedule as once the time has passed, we cannot remove the existing interview and reschedule a new one
  48. Split Availabilities list view into Upcoming Availability at top and then a break with heading All Past Availability underneath - 2 tables to be rendered for easier UX. Search and filters should work for both tables at once.
  49. Add Parent Links to staff dashboard so staff can easily copy and paste them.
  50. Please remove Student Profile Categories from Main Dashboard .
  51. FIX - Interview > Schedule - should be Upcoming Date and then time in order from start of day.
  52. If interview slots are copied for a interviewer and are repeated on the same day - please list them 9am, 9am, 10am, 10am, 11am, 11am etc. At moment it is 9am, 10am, 11am, 9am, 10am ,11am.
  53. [ For St Luke's and Sacred Heart] Give them the ability to control the Enrolment Offer Acceptance Fees for every year. Prep/Kindergarten is usually cheaper. See 1452 for the full explanation and UI mockups.
  54. Action 5 items in 1461 re Edumate Requests
  55. Ability To Transfer Interview to another Interviewer through Schedule - see screenshot attachments.
  56. Add a 'Save and Back' button for saving events and interview availabilities so that when you click it it takes you back to the list view screen.
  57. Enquiry and Events Forms: Change the label on Parent Details tab to be Parent / Carer Details.
  58. Enquiry and Events Forms: Change the wording in the Students Details tab to say, "Students on Record" instead of "Students on Records" when more than 2.
  59. On Interview schedule modal in the staff admin and parent dashboard, when the modal appears for you to book someone in and it says, Are You Sure You Want To Book This Time?” can you please also display the time.
  60. In Interviews > Schedule, please also include the column Attendance Type.
  61. When Custom Forms are submitted - can you please append them to the PDF bundle - so the final PDF bundle includes the Application, Offer, Terms and Conditions and all submitted custom forms.
  62. [Trivial] When loading live text interview questions into the profiles detail view - please use <br><br> to leave one blank space between each question so it's easier to read and respond to each question when typing answers.
  63. On Interviews > Schedule - we need a js accordian script to group all events by day. We need to see all dates in a list and then by selecting a day -open up to show all events against that date. Please also amend this to have all the 9:00am slots together, then all the 9:30am slots, etc for a particular day.
  64. Student Profile > Gender. We need to be able to turn on a third option under School Details and be able to change the Label. Some schools will want this enabled - some will not. It should be disabled by default. The label might be 'other' or 'non-binary' etc. The school will want to decide.
  65. Some schools don't want to deal with chasing P1/P2 for signatures because they don't want to get involved with divorced parents issues. Therefore they want to be able to switch off the P1/P2 signature flow for GPA and Application Forms.
  66. Be able to Edit Interview Availability even if it has booking - 1) change start/end time i.e start time can be as late as the start time of first booking, end time can be as early as the end time of the last booking 2) Split the interview availability into 2 (specify a time as long as it's not in the middle of a booked interview) and then result in 2 availabilities with exactly the same attributes but different start/end times. Start of 1st availability = original availability, end of 2nd availability = end of original availability
  67. Please add an image upload field that is not mandatory called Principal's Signature - this is under settings - school details. This will print whenever that feature is enabled.

I'm sorry but I have to leave it here. I'll post another one of these in a couple of months.

Truly yours,

Mario Gudelj

Published: 06 May 2021

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