Set Up Interviewers

Updated: 1 year, 8 months ago

Before you can have interviews you need to set up the personnel to handle them. This article gives instructions on how to set up interviewers.

Go to Interviews > Interviewers


Generally speaking, interviewers do not get logins to EnrolHQ, it is usually the Principal's Executive Assistant and/or Registrar who manage the whole process.


Add a new interviewer by clicking the “Create” button and input the name, email address, default location and interview type. If two interviewers will be present, you can put both of their names in, then this will show Parents that their interviewers are "Mrs Anne Corrigan and Mrs Amy Smith".

The email address can be the Registrar's email address or the Executive Assistant's Email address, this is where the interview booked notifications will be sent to when Parents make a booking.


After you’ve finished setting up your interviewers you will notice in the list that there’s a ‘Calendar’ button on the far right. Click this to copy the calendar feed to paste into Outlook. Once you click the button to copy you can paste it into an email and send it to the interviewer.


The interviewer will open Outlook to “add a new calendar from the internet” like so:


Paste in the link copied from EnrolHQ to the internet calendar field. The unbooked, as well as the booked interview slots, will show up in the calendar after the feed is added. Unbooked sessions are labelled "Interview Session" while booked sessions will have the student's name added.
