Updated: 8 months, 1 week ago
Go to Interview > Settings > Trigger PARENT reminder this number of hours before an interview. Set this to the desired values and click “Save” at the bottom of the page.
You can also set this up directly from automation (point 3).
Note: 48 hours is 2 days
There is also a trigger reminder for staff (catering, security etc).
Go to Email Settings > Templates > Custom and set up a custom interview reminder email to send to Parents
Copy and Paste directly into the Template and add your school specific language/vernacular
{% if second_parent.last_name and first_parent.last_name == second_parent.last_name %}
Dear {{ first_parent.title }} and {{ second_parent.title }} {{ first_parent.last_name }}
{% else %}
Dear {{ first_parent.title }} {{ first_parent.last_name }} {% if second_parent.last_name %} and {{ second_parent.title }} {{ second_parent.last_name }}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
This is a friendly reminder that the interview for {{ profile.first_name }} is tomorrow. You and your {{ profile.gender }} will be meeting with {{ interview_booking.interviewer.name }}.
{% render_location_details interview_booking.location hints=True %}
Date: {{ interview_booking.date_time_str }}
{% if interview_booking.online_meeting_link %}Your Online Meeting link is {{ interview_booking.online_meeting_link }}{% endif %}
To read how to create an automated email please click here:https://www.enrolhq.com.au/enrolhq-knowledgebase/emails/create-automated-emails/